Luca Marenzio: Qual mormorio soave

Geertgen tot Sint Jans, The Nativity at night, National Gallery, London, 1484-90

Qual mormorio soave
d'aura tra frond'e fronde
dolce armonia d'angelico concento
quietasi l'aere e'l vento
che tace il tutto e risonar sol, Ave,
s'ode e soa risponde candida verginella:
"Ecco, Signor, l'ancella
a cui per obbedir nulla gli è grave."
O che lieta novella,
perce pargeggi ormai la terra e'l cielo
Vergine Donna a Dio di se fà velo.

That soft murmuring
of the breeze from leaf to leaf,
sweet harmony of angelic concord,
the air and the wind are stilled;
all is silent, and there resounds only "Ave."
It is heard, and only the spotless virgin responds:
"Behold, my Lord, the handmaiden for whom,
in obedience, there is nothing too severe."
O what glad news! for henceforth
you make equal the heavens and the earth.
A Virgin Lady has concealed God within herself. 

Performance by the San Francisco Symphony Choir, Vance George conducting. [NML] (info)