Luca Marenzio: O rex gloriae

Lazzaro Baldi, Resurrection, Musée du Louvre, Paris

O rex gloriae, Domine virtutum,
qui triumphator hodie super omnes caelos ascendisti:
ne derelinquas nos orphanos, sed mitte promissum Patris in nos,
Spiritum veritatis.  Alleluia.                        
O King of Glory, Lord of Hosts,
who ascended this day in triumph above all the heavens:
do not leave us orphans, but send us the Promise of the Father,
the Spirit of Truth.  Alleluia.

Performance of Claritas (Charlotte Kirby, soprano; Alexandra Barrett, alto; Nicholas Mulroy, tenor; Samuel Barrett, bass; Sarah Pickersgill,soprano; Mythili Vamadevan, alto; Alexander Jupp, tenor; Andrew Kidd,bass), James Grossmith conducting. [we7] (info)