John Dowland: In darknesse

A Musical Banquet, 1610
In darknesse let mee dwell,
The ground shall sorrow be,
The roofe Dispaire to barre all,
All cheerful light from mee,
The wals of marble blacke that moistened,
Still shall weep.
My musicke, hellish, jarring,
Sounds to banish friendly sleepe.
Thus wedded to my woes,
And bedded to my Tombe,
O let me living die
Till death doe come.

In darknesse let me dwell.

Performance by GĂ©rard Lesne, alto; Ensemble Orlando Gibbons. [YouTube]

Performance of Ellen Hargis, soprano; Jacob Heringman, lute; Mary Springfels, viol. [YouTube]
Performance of Marshall Coid, counter-tenor; Jerry willard, lute [NML] (info)