1. Great Lord of Lords, supreme immortal King,
O give us grace to sing thy praise,
which makes earth, air and heav'n to ring. (Repeat Full)
2. O word of God from ages unbegun,
the Father's only Son, with Him in pow'r, in substance,
with him in pow'r, in substance Thou art One. (Repeat Full)
3. O Holy Ghost, whose care doth all embrace,
Thy watch is o'er our race, Thou source of life,
Thou spring of peace and grace, Thou source of life,
[Thou spring of peace and grace, source of life,][omit from A2 solo]
Thou spring of peace and grace. (Repeat Full)
4. One living Trinity, one unseen light, The earth is Thine,
Thy light beholds alike the bounds of depth and height,
[the bounds] of depth and height.[omit from A1 solo] (Repeat Full)