To listen and watch Johann Sebastian Bach, St Matthew Passion, BWV 244, performed by William Hite, evangelist; Charles Evans, Jesus; and the Trinity Church Wall Street Choir and Baroque Orchestra; Robert Mealy, concertmaster; Julian Wachner conducting, click here. For the German and English text, right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window," then arrange windows. Programme available. Video interview: Julian Wachner discussing the St Matthew Passion with author Jim Melchiorre.
Georges Rouault: Christ aux outrages To listen to Johann Sebastian Bach, St Matthew Passion, BWV 244, performed by Barbara Bonney, Ann Monoyios, Anne Sofie von Otter, Howard Crook, Michael Chance, Olaf Bär, Cornelius Hauptmann, Andreas Schmidt, Anthony Rolfe Johnson, English Baroque Soloists, Monteverdi Choir, London Oratory Junior Choir, John Eliot Gardiner conducting; click here. For the German and English text, right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window," then arrange windows.
Annibale Caracci, Crucifixion, Santa Maria della Carità, Bologna, 1583

Francesco Francia, Crucifixion, San Giacomo Maggiore, Bologna, 1500s

Jacques Blanchard, Flagellation, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rennes, c. 1630

To listen and watch Johann Sebastian Bach, St Matthew Passion, BWV 244, performed by Peter Schreier, Evangelist; Ernst Gerold Schramm, Jesus; Siegmund Nimsgern, Judas & Pilatus; Helen Donath, soprano; Julia Hamari, alto; Horst R. Laubenthal, tenor; Walter Berry, bass; Münchener Bach Orchester, Chor and Chorbuben, Karl Richter conducting, with English subtitles, click here. For the German text, click on "show more."
Francesco Bacchiacca, Flagellation of Christ, National Gallery of Art, Washington, c. 1512-15

Nicolas Maes, Mocking of Christ, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, 1650s