The Annual Handel's Messiah Sing-Along will take place at Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday, December 11, at 5 pm, with the Cathedral Singers, Musica Orbium and orchestra, Patrick Wedd directing. Scores are available. Free admission / voluntary contribution.
The Choir of Christ Church Cathedral will join with the McGill Chamber Orchestra and Suzie Leblanc, soprano; Daniel Taylor, counter-tenor; Rufus Müller, tenor; Alexander Dobson, bass; with Boris Brott conducting; to perform George Frideric Handel, Messiah, at Christ Church Cathedral on Monday, December 20, at 7:30 pm. Tickets: $45-$10.
Click to read about Messiah and access a wide variety of performances including two video performances by the Trinity Church (Wall Street) choir with the Rebel Baroque Orchestra conducted by either Andrew Megill or Jane Glover.
Almost 6,000,000 viewers have already watched this random act of culture: The Opera Company of Philadelphia and 650 choristers accompanied by the Wanamaker organ, the world's largest, suddenly bursting out with the Hallelujah Chorus in Macy's Department Store, Philadelphia. Click to watch.