Ollivier Messiaen: Ascension (Trotter)

Olivier Messiaen

Thomas Trotter performs Olivier Messiaen L'Ascension on the 1914 Cavaillé-Coll/Mutin organ of the Collegiale Church of Saint-Pierre, Douai

1) Majesté du Christ demandant sa gloire a son Père (Majesty of Christ Praying that His Father should glorify Him)

2) Alléluias sereins d'une ame qui désire le ciel (Serene Alleluias from a Soul Longing for Heaven)

3) Transports de joie d'une ame devant la gloire du Christ qui est la sienne (Transports of Joy from a Soul before the Glory of Christ which is its Own Glory)

4) Prière du Christ montant vers son Père (Prayer of Christ Ascending towards His Father)