Nolo mortem peccatoris; haec sunt verba Salvatoris. Father I am thine only Son, sent down from heav’n mankind to save. Father, all things fulfilled and done according to thy will, I have. Father, my will now all is this: Nolo mortem peccatoris. Father, behold my painful smart, taken for man on ev’ry side; Ev'n from my birth to death most tart, no kind of pain I have denied, but suffered all, and all for this: Nolo mortem peccatoris.
"I do not wish the death of a sinner." These are the words of the Saviour.
Performance of:
The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford [YouTube]
Durham Polyphony [YouTube]
Dordt College Concert Choir [YouTube]
St. Peter's Catholic Church, Columbia, SC [YouTube]
Clerestory [listen]