John Sheppard: Aeterne rex altissime

Aeterne rex altissime redemptor et fidelium, 
Eternal king most high and redeemer of your faithful through
Quo mors soluta deperit, datur triumphus gratiae. 
whom death in ruin perishes and the triumph of grace is bestowed.
Scandens tribunal dexterae Patris potestas omnium 
As you ascend the throne at your Father’s right hand, all power is
Collata est Jesu caelitus quae non erat humanitus.
conferred on you, Jesus, in heaven which you had not among men.
Tu esto nostrum gaudium qui es futurus praemium; 
Be now our joy, who are our future reward;
Sit nostra in te gloria per cuncta semper saecula. 
and be our glory ever in you throughout all ages.
Gloria tibi Domine qui scandis supra sidera, 
Glory to you, Lord, who ascend today above the stars,
Cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu in sempiterna saecula. Amen. 
with the Father and the Holy Spirit for endless ages. Amen.


Performance of The Hilliard Ensemble [Grooveshark]