William Byrd: Tristitia et anxietas (1589)

Tristitia et anxietas
occupaverunt interiora mea.
Moestum factum est cor meum in dolore,
et contenebrati sunt oculi mei.
Vae mihi, quia peccavi.

Sed tu, Domine,
qui non derelinquis
sperantes in te,
consolare et adjuva me
propter nomen sanctum tuum,
et miserere mei.

Sadness and worry
have taken possession of my inner being.
My heart is filled with sorrow,
my eyes see poorly.
Woe is me, for I have sinned.

But you, Lord,
who does not abandon
those who hope in you,
comfort and help me
for the sake your holy name,
and have mercy on me

Performance by:

Tallis Scholars [YouTube]