William Byrd: Siderum rector

Siderum rector, Deus alme, nostris
Parce iam culpis, vita remittens:
Quo tibi puri resonemus almum
Pectoris hymnum.
Gloria patri, genitaeque proli,
Et tibi, compar utriusque semper,
Spiritus alme, Dus unus omni
Tempore saecli. Amen.

Ruler of the stars, gracious God,
Spare our sins, pardoning our offences:
So that with a pure heart we may sing
Unto thee a gracious song.
Glory be to the Father, and to his begotten
offspring, And to thee, always equal to both,
Gracious spirit, one God. For all eternity. Amen.

(Hymn for Holy Women, neither virgins nor
martyrs. These are the final two verses from a
longer hymn entitled ‘Virginis proles’. The
whole hymn is used as the Hymn at Matins for
Holy Women, which in the Roman Rite has

many variants.)

Performance by:

Alamire, David Skinner conducting [NML]