William Byrd: Memento salutis auctor

Memento, salutis Auctor,
quod nostri quondam corporis,
ex illibata Virgine
nascendo, formam sumpseris.
Maria, mater gratiae,
mater misericordiae,
tu nos ab hoste protege,
et hora mortis suscipe.
Gloria tibi, Domine,
qui natus es de Virgine,
cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu
in sempiterna saecula. Amen.

Remember, O Creator Lord,
that in the Virgin's sacred womb
Thou wast conceived, and of her flesh
didst our mortality assume.
Mother of grace, O Mary blest,
to thee, sweet fount of love, we fly;
shield us through life, and take us hence
to thy dear bosom when we die.
O Jesu! born of Mary bright!
Immortal glory be to Thee;
praise to the Father infinite,
and Holy Ghost eternally. Amen.

Performance by David Gould, superius; Julian Stocker, tenor; Robert MacDonald, bass; The Cardinall's Musick; Andrew Carwood conducting. [YouTube]