Giovanni Francesco Anerio, Requiem Aeternam (Introit)

To listen to Giovanni Francesco Anerio, Requiem Aeternam (Introit), performed by the Gloria Dei Cantores, right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window," then click on the down arrow to the right of "Play a Song" at the top of the page until Requiem Aeternam appears, then click on the right-facing arrow to play.  Arrange windows to follow the text.

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine:
et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion,
et tibi reddetur votum in Ierusalem.
Exaudi orationem meam, ad te omnis caro veniet.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine:
et lux perpetua luceat eis.

Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
A hymn becometh thee, O God, in Zion,
and a vow shall be paid to thee in Jerusalem.
Hear my prayer: to thee all flesh shall come.
Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.