Johann Kuhnau: Tristis est anima mea

Tristis est anima mea usque ad mortem ;
sustinete hic, et vigilate mecum :
nunc videbitis turbam, quæ circumdabit me.
Vos fugam capietis, et ego vadam immolari pro vobis.

Sad is my soul even to death.
Stay here and watch with me.
Now you will see the mob that will surround me.
You will take flight, and I will go to be sacrificed for you.

Performance by Pegasus: right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window. Arrange windows.

Performance by the Singakademie Tsukuba: right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window." Arrange windows.

Performance by the Choir of the Music Faculty of the Transylvania University of Braşov, Romania: right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window." Arrange windows.

Performance by Vox Coelestis, Nigel Short conducting: right-click here, then left-click on "Open in New Window." Arrange windows.