Samuel Barber, Agnus Dei based on his Adagio for Strings (2nd mvt of the String quartet, Op. 11)
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.
Performance of The Robert Shaw Festival Singers, Robert Shaw conducting. [YouTube]
Performance of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in the Basilica of El Escorial [YouTube]